Saturday, May 2, 2009

Strength and Courage

Props to the Ice Chamber for giving me the strength and the courage to help me find myself. I've always had an athlete in me, I just haven't always had the motivation or the time to nurture it. In February 2009 I stayed up late one night, sitting on the couch, glancing at the TV and browsing the web, trying to figure out what to do with my lost self. I'm not sure how I came back to it, but I landed on the home page of the Ice Chamber, a gym that I'd heard about after having my first baby. It looked hard core, it required discipline and commitment. After thoroughly digesting the website, I decided it was just the thing to shake things up a bit and I made my financial commitment right away, in the middle of the night(they are all set up with pay pal for impulsive infomercial sucker types like myself - smart business plan!). I then followed up with an e-mail to my husband explaining what the plan was so that when I woke up the next morning I'd have a record of what the heck I was thinking the night before. Three months later, I'm 9 pounds and 4% body fat lighter, a size smaller, and so much stronger in body AND mind. An added bonus is that my husband has joined me in this venture and we now spend our dinners comparing notes about what was fun and what was painful about morning bootcamp. I'm jealous that he's able to do two pull ups more than I can, but I'm certain that I'll catch up. There's no stopping me and there's no looking back. Finding the athlete in me again has been rejuvenating and I honestly think that seeing myself gain physical strength and endurance has given me some of the courage that it took to quit my job. I know that I have the mental ability to get through challenges and I also know that I have my daily workouts to look forward to.
Thanks Chris for cheering me on and thanks to the folks Ice Chamber for being so positive, so supportive and so athletic!

Testimonials to my first exciting efforts are here:

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