Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Won

Today, I won.
I thought the stay at home mommy honeymoon had ended a couple of weeks ago and that I was destined for a decade of sucking it up, putting a smile on my face and getting through another day full of housework. I am pleasantly surprised to report that yes, it is true, I won!
Last night I went to bed after a marginally improved evening of dreaded swimming lessons and a tower of laundry to fold, looking at me with it's sock eyes and giant basket feet. Strangely, I could not sleep. Just last week I was telling Chris that I spend many hours of the day thinking about sleep. When will I sleep? What time will I go to bed? How many hours do I get? sleep? sleep? sleep, where are you? Last night though, I could not sleep. After awhile, I realized what had happened. I could not sleep because I couldn't wait until tomorrow. I couldn't wait to do more, to see my family and to get to that a** kicking gym. I truly couldn't wait. My job for the night was to try to forget about tomorrow and to remember my nighttime job, the job I have been thinking about for not weeks, but months.. sleep. I slept just ok, and after just a few hours, I hopped out of bed before anyone else, had a Folgers kind of a moment drinking my coffee alone and then slipped on my sneakers and used them to sneak out to the gym.
Today, I had the thrill of folding laundry, cooking dinner, putting things away, playing with the boys, and best of all: making "L's" with my son Luke out of velcro, glue and quinoa. It's so great and I think that this euphoric feeling I have is telling me that yes, I won. The honeymoon is over and still... I really won.