Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year's Resolution number 44

It's 2010, a year that holds great hope for many, including me. Luckily, I've gotten a great start and think that if I can continue to take things one day at a time, I might just find myself in December looking back on 12 awesome months! In these first 6 days of the year I'm on a roll... feeling organized and not overwhelmed, happy and not impatient, and the most energetic I've felt in months. A big thanks goes to my almost 19 month old, who has slept through the night most nights this week, which is a great help. As a result, I've had a seamless few days of getting to the gym on time each day, walking the dog every day, having dinner planned and made without much trouble and have stayed on top of the chores! The greatest thing though is just how filled with joy I've been when I glance at my little boys. My husband and I are teaming up each day to make sure that everything flows and it all just feels so dreamy! So here I am documenting the wonderful that is 2010 and need to recognize that the rollercoaster still exists. To do this, I am making yet another resolution for this year, and that is to update this blog much more frequently. I think I don't really do much because I only have one follower (Chris) (Hi!), so in order to motivate, I think I'll share this blog in order to have an audience. They say in writing classes that your writing is so much more frequent and inspired when you have an audience. I promise to write, even when the rollercoaster starts to turn downhill. I hate rollercoasters, but it's the best analogy to describe my true highs and lows. Happy New Year - Cheers to an amazing 2010.